Let’s go GrEEn! New GrEEn Project launches in Ghana boosting green jobs and building climate change resilient communities

The idea behind GrEEn is simple: the lack of job opportunities pushes young people to look for a better future far from home. Climate change makes things worse by taking away the main source of livelihood in many communities,” said Diana Acconcia, the European Union Ambassador to Ghana.

These two challenges are interlinked. We need to address them at the same time if we want to convince young people that they have a future at home and prevent them from embarking on dangerous journeys where they can lose their life,” she added.

The European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa (EUTF for Africa) aims to foster stability and to contribute to better migration management, including by addressing the root causes of destabilization, forced displacement and irregular migration.

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