Marriage Services

Procedures involved in Marriage Registration by the Ahanta West Municipal Assembly to the General Public :

1. Fill a notice of MARRIAGE FORM at the Registry Unit of the Municipal Assembly.

2. Posting of the Marriage Notice on the Assembly’s Notice Board to be viewed by the General Public. This last for a minimum of TWENTY ONE DAYS (21)

3. After the 21 Days, if no comments or objection has been raised against the marriage, the couple may proceed to the Municipal Assembly with TWO WITNESSES EACH for the signing of the MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE by a REGISTRAR or Given a LICENSE for the ceremony to be Held at a Registered Church.



Under the Marriages Act, 1884-1985, the couple must give notice in writing to the Registrar of Marriage of the district in which the marriage will take place of their intention to marry within three months.
This notice must include the names of the parties and their marital status (e.g. spinster/widow, bachelor/widower), their occupations, age, and places of residence.
The registrar will then issue a Marriage Certificate within three months of receiving the notice, provided that he or she is satisfied that
(a) one of the parties has lived in the district where the marriage is intended to take place for 15 days before the Certificate is granted,
Sub-Metropolitan District Councils
(b) that either party is under twenty-one years old and they have obtained the required consent to be married,
(c)that there is no lawful hindrance to the marriage, and that neither party is married by customary law to another individual. The marriage must take place within three months of receipt of the notice, or else a fresh notice must be given before the couple can be married.