Pursuant to section 17(1) of the Local Governance Act 2016(936) and the Revised Model Standing Orders of the District Assemblies.

The Ahanta West Municipal Assembly on 12th February, 2024 held its inaugural meeting and opened nominations towards the election of the Presiding Member as the second business to be transacted.

Two members of the Assembly, namely Hon. Joseph Baidoo and Hon. Timothy Ampem, offered themselves as candidates for the position. However, neither candidate succeeded in obtaining two-thirds of the members’ votes in two consecutive run-offs.


S/N 1st Election No. 2nd Election No.
1.      Total Votes Cast 53 Total Votes Cast 53
2.      Rejected Ballot 2 Rejected Ballot 2
  Timothy Ampem 19 Timothy Ampem 19
  Joseph Yaw Baidoo 32 Joseph Yaw Baidoo 32


In accordance with subparagraph (4), another election was convened on Wednesday, 21st February 2024, within the stipulated ten (10) days. Hon. Timothy Ampem formally withdrew his candidacy, deferring to his opponent. The Election Officer, Mr. Randy Sokpe, notified the Assembly Secretary of this development. Subsequently, members were called upon to vote (Yes or No) to confirm or reject the candidate. Ultimately, Hon. Joseph Yaw Baidoo emerged as the confirmed Presiding Member, securing 51 votes, which represented 95% of the total votes cast.